Friday, June 18, 2010

Happy at Home

Many years ago I was a stay at home mom. At that time, many people my age and younger said they could never stay home. Some said it would drive them crazy and it would be boring. Others said they could never afford it. While indeed these things may be true for many, I thought there were just as many that underestimated how fun and fulfilling staying at home could be.

I decided then and there that I would someday write a book called Happy at Home. Over time with raising a daughter, going to college, and getting a full time job-the book never came together. I had a lot of notes I had collected though and thought I would finally get them on paper.

My daughter is twenty seven as I write this. I work full time as a teacher which does allow me the summers off. Still to this day, if I could be home full time that would be my choice. I would never be bored-I would definitely be Happy at Home.